Lympstone WI

Lympstone WI


In the absence of the President Anne Frampton, Diana De La Rue Vice President opened the meeting and welcomed two guests. The Resolutions for the AGM to be held in Liverpool on June 1st were then debated.

1) Proposed Mega Farms, after general discussions on the pros and cons, the members voted overwhelmingly against.

2) Closure of local Libraries, after some general discussion the outcome of the vote was against closure.

Adrienne Hebdige was then asked to give her report on the Spring Council Meeting held in Torquay. After a rousing rendition of Jerusalem by around 1,200 ladies we were welcomed by the Torbay Council Leader, The business side of the day was soon taken care of, one main item on the agenda was the need for bigger headquarters for County House in Exeter, all groups were asked to hopefully help with fundraising.

Mr Simon Hall of BBC Spotlight then gave us an insight into his job as a Television Journalist, and a writer of detective novels.

The Torbay Police Male Voice Choir entertained with some beautiful singing.

After lunch and a little more WI Business we were introduced to Adam Henson the farmer on Countryfile, he gave us a very interesting insight into his life as a Gloucester Farmer. He came dressed in the wool suit he had made from the wool of his own sheep.

After tea Moira Johnson was congratulated on being commended for her entry in the poetry competition at the Council Meeting. We were then entertained by the Drama Group, who read a collection of poems by their favourite authors.

There will be a fundraising supper on the 13th July in the Function Room and a litter pick on Mon 16th May.

Next meeting Wed June 1st the speaker to be Mrs Jan Lunn on designs on silk.

Jo Cotton

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