Lympstone Art Group



Lympstone Art Group is a friendly club with just over 80 members. We welcome anyone who is interested in the visual arts, irrespective of ability.

Subscriptions remain at £10 per year (September to August) payable by the end of December. You can pay these at any of our events or by bank transfer using Sort Code 77 10 05 Account Number 33659360 Reference: your surname. Account Name: Lympstone Art Group and email to let her now you have paid. Alternatively send your subscription, to Jenny Moon, Membership Secretary, The Wheel House, The Strand, Lympstone EX8 5JS. Cheques should be made payable to Lympstone Art Group.

To book a place on a workshop, please contact: Mai Welton, 1 Harefield Cottages, Lympstone, EX8 5EX. Tel 01395 271915 or email

We try to keep workshop costs to around £35, although sometimes there will be an additional charge for materials. There are occasions when members wish to bring a guest to a workshop. If places are available this can be done but an additional charge of £10 will be charged to a non member.