Courtlands Development Update 3

Courtlands Development Update 3

Last week anyone who objected to the last two applications by Strategic Land Partnerships should have received a letter or e-mail concerning an amendment to the latest planning application. This amendment is to do with screening and road layout within the development and along Courtlands Lane.

As previously advised I will be attending the application hearing on Tuesday 15th and I will raise this late amendment to the plans.  The changes do not in any way change our reaction to this application and certainly do not counter the reasons given for the recommended refusal by the officers of EDDC to The Planning Committee.

The most frequent questions I am being asked are:-
”Will our previous letters still count?
“Do we need to write to the inspector?

The answers are “Yes – your letters DO count ” and “No there is no need to write to the inspector”.
As part of the appeal process EDDC are required by law to pass to the inspector all material they have received in regard to the applications. This includes your letters and e-mails. Reproducing them again will not add any more weight, so the only reason to write to the inspector is if you have new material evidence.

As part of the evidence I am preparing a large file of all minutes, notes and correspondence covering our meetings, formal submissions by the Parish Council and anything else pertinent to the case. This is going to be reviewed by EDDC and will then go to the Inspector. This will be the backbone of my/our evidence to the enquiry.

Following the meeting on Tuesday I will write again to advise you of progress.

If you wish to contact me click on this link and I will try to respond ASAP Cllr Rob Longhurst

Rob Longhurst

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