Lympstone in the 1980s!

Lympstone in the 1980s!

Ursula Perry has kindly donated hundreds of slides to the Lympstone History Society, taken mainly in the 1980s, of which a selection will be shown on Wednesday 19th October, 7.30pm at the Methodist Hall. Admission will be £3, including tea/coffee.

The slides, put on to a PowerPoint show, will be a trip down memory lane for some, with images of the likes of Mr John Pidsley, Mr Walter Hawkings, the game keeper, and Mrs Ethel Stevens. Some photos were taken inside Hodges, during bread baking, the Roman Catholic Chapel and some of Norman Mitchell working in his boat shed. If you were living here in the 1980s please come and help identify a few of the unknown characters, if you were not living in Lympstone then the evening will show a Lympstone never to be repeated.

Angela Coles

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