New train times from Sunday 15 May

New train times from Sunday 15 May

Please note that train times are changing on Sunday 15th May. A link to the new timetable for the Avocet Line can be found at The new timetables for other routes operated by Great Western Railway can be found on their website For other operators, please visit their website or National Rail Enquiries

As well as restoring the service to pre-pandemic levels, the new timetable gives the Avocet Line a half-hourly service throughout the evening until 2200, with a couple of later trains as well. This follows a request from the ALRUG Committee to GWR a couple of years ago to deal with the poor evening connections between trains from London and elsewhere in the country and trains to Exmouth. This often meant people had a long wait in Exeter for the next service. We are delighted that GWR has been able to respond positively to this request.

The additional trains mean the Exmouth line now has 36 trains each way on weekdays – the best service it has ever had.  This will also be a great improvement for people wanting a night out in Exeter.

Please make sure to check your journey before you travel.

Please also remember the next ALRUG Members’ Meeting will take place on Monday 30th May at the Manor Hotel in Exmouth. Full details are in the latest newsletter, and the meeting will start at 1900. Our guest speakers are representatives of GWR, Cross Country Trains and South Western Railways.

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