Parish church

Parish church

The Morning Worship service on the third Sunday of every month continues to attract the largest congregation of all services. Last month, as it happened to fall on Palm Sunday, it was the first time we held a communion service within the Morning Worship. In July the service will be very special as we will involve a full jazz band to play for the hymns and songs of praise. It should be a great service and part of the programme of events for Lympstone Entertainments’ Jazz Festival. [Next services 15th May and 19th June.]

As we were unable to appoint a new rector for the Mission Community, and have no expectation in the near future of appointing one, it leaves a number of local decisions for our trainee priest Sid Humphreys (or Mr Sid to the pupils of the school.) He writes:

I have had some enquiries about confirmation. During the current vacancy I will need to take advice on the best way forward and to do this will need to know how many people would like to attend confirmation classes. There will be approximately 6 classes over a two month period. For further information and to express an interest in the first instance please contact me on 01395 274512.

Election, election, election!

There will be a Special Parochial Vestry Meeting on Sunday 5th June after the 9.30am morning service in the church. It will be chaired by our Rural Dean Rev’d Canon David Price, and it is at this meeting we shall elect a new church warden. Anyone who is a resident in the Parish of Lympstone may take part in the election.

Jill Wilson secretary of the Parochial Church Council writes:

News from the PCC

There was a unanimous decision by the PCC to support Lympstone Primary School  – not by re-building, but by use of the church room site. This is now being explored by the school.

Brian Mather

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