Posting notices around the village

Posting notices around the village

It is a village custom for village organisations to post notices about their activity on the telegraph poles and lamp columns around the village.

This activity is regarded as ‘Fly-Posting’ and is illegal. The enforcing authority has not taken any action provided that the activity is used moderately by local groups. However, this situation is now being abused. Groups and businesses from outside the Parish post their notices here, notices have doubled in size up to A3 size and notices are not being taken down promptly after an event. In order to offer some ‘protection’ to local Groups, the Parish Council has suggested that the following protocol might be adopted. The Parish Council would welcome comments so that there can be informed debate at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

Recommended Good Practice:

1 Only notices advertising the activities of Voluntary Groups in the Parish will be accepted.

2 Notices should be restricted to A4 size.

3 Notices should be removed within one week of any event that has been advertised.

4 Any other notices may be removed at any time.

5 Volunteers should be recruited to help maintain Notices displayed in this way.

6 This statement should be brought to the attention of all groups in the Parish

7 This statement should be posted on the Parish Website on the Parish Council Notice Boards and in the Lympstone Herald at regular intervals.

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