WI report

WI report

Anne Frampton, President, welcomed Roger Lacey to our meeting. For over an hour he had our rapt attention whilst he spoke on beekeeping and the environment, illustrating his talk with some lovely, colourful slides (including one of an 80-million year-old bee encased in amber). There are over 1,000 beekeepers in Devon, for most of whom 2011 has been a good year but, nevertheless, the decline in the number of honey bees continues. We saw a variety of honey cones and hives from around the world – all fascinating in their own way. Members were reminded just how important water is for bees and insects to drink. The waggle dance was also explained!

A report on our Shelterbox (one of nearly 9,000) sent to families in Pakistan made homeless by the 2010 floods, showed how each and every box makes a real difference. All boxes are individually numbered and can be traced on-line to individual recipients.

Our July supper had been very successful and members were thanked for serving tea and providing cakes for the Furry Dance.

Eleven members have so far booked for the DCC road safety course for older drivers. Other family members and friends may join in this workshop (date to be confirmed). It is a free event! Names of interested persons to our Secretary, Diana Budgen, on 278152 asap please.

Diary dates:

Thurs. 15 Sept – Litter pick starting from Church Path at 2.30 pm

Weds. 28 Sept – Committee meeting at 21 Highcliffe Close

Sat. 15 October – Coffee morning at Methodist Hall 10-12 noon

Our next meeting is on Weds. 5th October at 2.30 at the Village Hall when Bob Spence will tell us how the Napoli was policed. I am sure we all remember this grounded cargo ship in Lyme Bay! It should be an interesting afternoon so do come and join us.

Diana de la Rue

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